Community Connections for Children (CCC) serves as an Early Learning Resource Center and is committed to helping children, families, and early childhood education programs be successful. As part of that commitment, we acknowledge the diversity that comes from within and outside of our organization. We envision a thriving, growing community where children embrace a culture of learning, stay in school, and excel. To achieve this goal, we strive to be inclusive regardless of ability, age, religion, politics, race, national origin, class, family status, sexual orientation, and gender. We believe that hatred, in any form, negatively impacts our community because all people are different, deserve to be respected, and have their humanity recognized. We provide tools for success and accommodations that contribute to an equitable environment, so all people receive what they need.
At CCC, we understand that individual needs will vary, and we strive to be fair and equitable across the board. As an organization, we are committed to advocating for social justice and intentionally including all our stakeholders. Through our many programs and roles in the community, we actively support and bring awareness to opportunities for marginalized voices and opinions at the local, state, and regional level. We believe in transparent communication, listening, volunteering, and creating a sense of belonging for all stakeholders. CCC values the rights and unique gifts of each individual. We are intentional about developing and maintaining relationships based upon respect, open and honest communication, acceptance, and inclusion so that each person we come in contact with has the best chance at success. CCC is committed to continual growth in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion.